#Condonation of Breach of Civil Service rules in Nigeria College of Aviation Technology [NCAT] Zaria

Condonation of Breach of Civil Service rules in Nigeria College of Aviation Technology [NCAT] Zaria

It is important to call the attention of the supervising ministry to the on-going breach of public service rules being condoned in the college for many years now.  
2. You may wish to be informed that a staff by name Saheed Tunde Yahaya PF: 1874 and one other named Imaligwe Joseph PF: 1882 were involved in a monumental fraudulent act while in the employ of Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA) kano international Airport and were consequently indicted and dismissed from service but are today in the employ of NCAT on pensionable appointment through their usual dubious means.    

3. Saheed Tunde Yahaya prior to his employment by NAMA worked for several years with Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) and rose to the position of Chief of Facility at Zaria Aerodrome $(Airport) before his voluntary retirement on pension. It has been confirmed that the said officer has been collecting pension from FAAN till date while working in NCAT on another permanent and pensionable appointment. The implication is that the officer will be drawing double pension on government. This is criminal breach of public service rules and should be investigated.                      
4. Several petitions on this officer have been received in the college but the management of NCAT lacks the moral will and rectitude to bring this officer to book. Only two months ago, a petition was received by the sitting Rector/CE but he merely asked Saheed Tunde Yahaya and Imaligwe Joseph to go and pacify the petitioners because if he the Rector/CE was put under pressure that he would act. What a condonation and double standard. What an ugly brotherhood of the Yorubas in the college.
5. We implore you to course a proper investigation on the issue. It is apparently easy to handle as the previous and current employers of the staff in question are parastatals under Federal Ministry of Aviation.               
6. Ethnic and sectional interest and differential treatment in the handling of staff issues as is the case with the matter under reference should be discouraged.                                     
7. It is also true that Saheed Tunde Yahaya and Imaligwe Joseph are well above 60years of age from their records of service with FAAN.              You may wish to be informed that this letter has been forwarded to the Head of service of the Federation and the Permit Secretary Ministry of Aviation yet, nothing had been done.
